
Treatment for Gynecological Conditions

One of the most prevalent challenges for women during perimenopause is irregular bleeding. This can manifest as extended, heavy periods, erratic cycles that seem to have a mind of their own, prolonged absence of periods followed by sudden surges, or persistent spotting, often causing considerable discomfort. It's essential to note that these irregularities can be a normal part of a woman's experience, but they can also signal underlying issues that merit attention.

The transition from regular menstrual cycles throughout a woman's life to menopause, where periods cease entirely, is known as the climacteric phase. This phase can extend from a few to several years as the ovarian egg supply diminishes, resulting in fewer menstrual cycles.

Furthermore, women may encounter issues such as dribbling or leakage of urine while coughing or sneezing ( called urinary incontinence), frequent urination, which can lead to anxiety and disrupt daily life.